Presentation of our project

The college in Reunion combines an isolated situation in a disadvantaged neighborhood,
unemployment and distance from Europe. Thanks to 2 KA1, 2 KA2, the team fights against school
dropouts, cultural deficits, failing families. Thus, our college REP+ welcomes students
experiencing social, financial and academic difficulties. Often alone when getting up in
the morning, they have difficulty concentrating and learning; to the point that some prefer
not to come to school. Their parents are not always opposed to it, hence a high rate of
absenteeism. Teachers therefore need to diversify practices educational in order to restore
meaning to school. A European project of this type contributes to this.Furthermore, in a world
of geographic and political change, it is important to work on autonomy and development. of the citizenship of our Creole students living in self-sufficiency, in the cocoon of their
island. In fact, it is difficult for our students to consider pursuing training after college
if it is not located close to their neighborhood. The studies proposed in neighboring
municipalities are excluded for these reasons. Those offered in mainland France or abroad are
little considered, and often end with a premature return due to "homesickness". Driving this
type of project can only be beneficial for our young people in terms of autonomy because it
encourages them to leave family and island for a few days. This allows them to then become
ambassadors in their neighborhood of a new vision of things: developing the desire to travel,
to go towards the unknown, to develop the feeling of belonging to France and to Europe with
their surroundings. Finally, knowing yourself and your own culture allows you to position yourself in relation to others and therefore to leave more easily to discover the Other in order to fight against racism.

Finally, we aim to validate the common core skills for each student: our students sometimes
have difficulty expressing themselves in French in class, their mother tongue being Creole.
Their family context being sometimes very delicate, it is difficult to concentrate in class
and difficult to do the homework requested by their teachers. This project is therefore a very effective way of making students work differently on basic and transversal skills, stepping stones towards more specific skills. To develop basic skills in our students, the teaching team will work on a transversal theme bearer: the environment (in the sense of heritage) of the students. This involves working with a “geocache or actionbound” type application which will allow
students to discover their immediate and more distant environment in a fun way. Indeed,
geocaching is an outdoor activity consisting of finding in nature, via GPS points, boxes
hidden by other people. These boxes are accompanied by location information accessible on
the app. Students will have to find thematic routes (cultural, artistic, geological, etc.), identify remarkable places in their near or distant environment (neighborhood, city, region), create clues and provide explanatory text in French and English for tourists
who take advantage of this application. This innovative project allows students to discover their surroundings, to be actors
and creators for a very large audience because it These are international applications.
